Private Love Coaching

Are you ready to feel more confident than you've ever have, and fall deeply in love with yourself WHILE attracting your dream relationship?

If yes, then we're going to have a great time together in Private Coaching!


1:1 Love Coaching is Perfect For You If:

💕 You’re currently single and you’re either dating or would like to get to the place where you feel confident to start dating

💕 Your past or even current dating experiences have you feeling anxious, frustrated or confused. You may attract men who are emotionally unavailable, just want to keep things casual, play games, or aren’t a match for you. 

💕 You want to learn the tools and have the personalized support and guidance to become the best, most secure version of yourself before entering your next relationship 

💕 You have your walls up from past relationships and hurts that you would like to heal and energetically release so that you can open yourself up for love and not sabotage or hinder your progress

💕 You’ve made mistakes in your love life in the past like choosing the wrong people, ignoring red flags, lowering your standards, or accepting less than you deserve and you’d like to get to the root of that pattern so that you won’t repeat the past in your next relationship!


"I was looking at this photo my friend Ron took yesterday and I can’t help thinking this is because of you— your trainings & work shifted me & the Universe to make this moment happen ♥️ thank you for supporting me Valerie

Back in 2020 I was DONE dating men who weren’t right for me. Valerie’s work supported me in calling in my King, but more than that it supported me in trusting myself & trusting the Universe. 

2 years later: I’m about to go on an adventure to Africa & Europe with him and our friends. (Legit packing rn) I’ve attracted not only my soulmate but also a whole group of soul aligned friends."

-Gemma D., Actress & Spiritual Life Coach

Emily met her boyfriend while we were working together & she is now more confident than ever!

Felicia met her partner during our time together and they are taking next steps!

Angela attracted her boyfriend after her divorce. They are now living together!

Lauren feels more confident than ever and knows that she can be both wildly successful AND attract love!


About Me:

After years of failed relationships, chasing emotionally unavailable men, I hit a rock bottom moment where I realized that as much as I wanted to blame the city I lived in, the men in the "dating pool", or convince myself that I wasn't in the right place at the right time - the truth was that I was blocking myself from attracting love.

After going through my own healing and transformation, I met the partner of my dreams in 2019 and we have been building a life together ever since. I have helped hundreds of women just like you: heal, grow their confidence, and reprogram their belief system so they can attract an incredible relationship that fulfills them on all levels.

I am a board certified Master Coach and Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) & Emotional Freedom Technique. My approach for helping my clients create lasting & sustainable change is inside-out focused, meaning, we work with your inner world to create change in your outer world.

Through receiving personalized support in a private setting, I am confident that together we will fast track your way to attracting the partner of your dreams! As long as you are coachable and willing to put in the work (both inner work and actions) you will experience life-changing transformation!

Let's write your new love story!

Private coaching is for the woman who is ready to show up BIG for herself and is ready and willing to heal, upgrade her belief system, re-write her love story from the inside-out so she can attract the partner of her dreams and build a healthy relationship. If that's you, I am so excited to work together!

To get the process started, fill out an application below!